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Virtual Assistant Virtuosos Summit 2019

Celebrating the 18th Season… #VAVS stands for the Virtual Assistant Virtuosos Summit an online conference to help service-based businesses FIND and RETAIN clients to make more $$$!

Get Your Ticket Here to the Virtual Assistant Summit 2019

Virtual Assistant Summit 2019 Speaker Line-Up

20 Experts sharing their top strategies to help you FIND and RETAIN Clients!
Whether you are just starting out as a Virtual Assistant or have been in business for many years, one thing is for sure, you must have a steady flow of clients to turn a profit each year. At #VAVS you’ll learn endless ways to find great clients PLUS how to keep your current clients happy so you retain them for long-term revenue streams.

At #VAVS you’ll find speakers who actually understand the VA industry because they currently are or have been freelancers themselves. They know how to help Virtual Assistants and better equip us with solutions that actually work to make our business grow and succeed.

Here are some of the topics that will be covered:

  1. Get Booked Solid with a Full Roster of Clients
  2. Make More Money and Attract Your Perfect Clients Using these 3 Keys to Building Profitable Packages
  3. 5 Simple Reasons Why You Haven’t Found Your First Client – And How to Fix Them!
  4. Ditch That Laundry List of Services and Get Specific – So You Can Get Clients
  5. Avoiding the VA Scams
  6. Positioning Yourself as an Expert in Order to Get (And Keep) Clients
  7. Easy Ways to Get More Clients Through the Power of Content
  8. How to Create Your Client Attracting Website
  9. Solving the Target Audience Mystery: Discover Who Your Customers Are & What They Want
  10. 3 Ways to Turn Done-for-You Services Into Digital Products So You Can Break Out of the Daily Dollars-for-Hours Grind
  11. Easy Ways to Retain Your Clients by Keeping Their Website Secure
  12. Why You Shouldn’t Use Virtual Assistant as Your Title
  13. The Secret to Landing Dream Clients – 5 Steps to Scaling Your VA Business
  14. 10 Steps to Finding Clients On LinkedIn
  15. Are You Maximizing Your Facebook Page as an Asset for Your Business?
  16. The VA Myth and How to Break Free From It
  17. 10 Steps to “Closing the Sale” with a New Client
  18. Pinterest Basics For You and Your Clients
  19. Handle (Even) More Clients with Confidence
  20. Leveraging Live Events For Clients: Making The Most Before, During, & After

Don't Miss the VA Summit


Virtual Assistant Virtuosos Summit
LIVE Online October 21 – 25, 2019
